Sep 15, 2012

Get Email alerts on your Phone for free

Get Email alerts on your Phone for free
We are too busy to check our mails regularly. However, we check our mails occasionally. So, I am going to provide you a very useful trick that will help you to receive your Email updates on your phone. This is a very simple and useful trick...

Firstly go to this site .
Register on site2sms with your mobile number.
After registering on that site, go to Email alert tab in that site.

Set your days and time when you want to receive the Email Updates via SMS as shown below.

Now go to your Gmail Account and put this link in your address bar.

Now you will be redirected to the page that is your Gmail Account's Settings.

Now click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP.

Add a forward Email to

Now verify account via code.

Enjoy!!! You are done!!! Now you can receive Email Alerts on your Phone!!!

Feel Free to Ask Anything.
Hope you like it.
Enjoy and don’t forget to comment.

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